
  • Pablo Pascale Universidad de Salamanca



Prejudice, racial and ethnic discrimination, new racism, social psychology


Why are we racists? Nowadays, most people will answer they are not racists; and that is possible, at least consciously or intentionally. During the past few years research in social psychology has shown that racism is no longer expressed in a frontal or explicit manner. Today racism is latent, more subtle, has changed and adapted to social control, hidden under new forms of linguistic expressions, beliefs and attitudes. In the era of the “politically correct”, racism is sanctioned, and for that reason it moulds without confrontations. This is what social psychologists call the new racism.


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How to Cite

Pascale, P. (2010). NEW RACISMS: STATE OF THE ART IN THE SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY OF PREJUDICE. Ciencias Psicológicas, 4(1), 57–69.

