Legal perspective of religious freedom and freedom of conscience.


  • Gabriel González Merlano Universidad Católica del Uruguay.



freedom, religious freedom, consciousness, religion, freedom of thought, secularism, human rights, tolerance, Uruguay


Abstract: It is necessary to define the meaning, scope and range of the concepts of freedom of religion or belief and freedom of conscience, and moreover, to distinguish them from other related notions. Both fundamental rights are of the utmost importance
in plural societies and are acknowledged by Human Rights International Law as well as by the Uruguayan legal system.
Addressing these rights implies a high valuation of human dignity, upon which these are grounded. It is important to consider the protection granted by the State, both when they are exercised by the individual or in community with others, as well as the means to
prevent eventual abuse without infringing liberties.
The case of Uruguay deserves special attention, due to the development of a theoretical trend which “gives its back” to religious and conscientious phenomena, undermining positive secularity. On the contrary, this emerging form of excluding neutrality assimilates
secularity to “prescidence” (disregard, abstentionism) from religion to an anti-religious posture; denying by fact what was held as main principles.
A debate on secularity – secularism and religion stands as necessary, overcoming rigid and perished postures. Democracy and an inclusive approach of secularity are the main guarantees for individuals and communities to attain full exercise of these essential rights.


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Author Biography

Gabriel González Merlano, Universidad Católica del Uruguay.

Coordinador Área Humanística.


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How to Cite

González Merlano, G. (2016). Legal perspective of religious freedom and freedom of conscience. Revista De Derecho, (11), 81–104.

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