The Unesco Conference Internet for Trust: an analysis of Brazilian participations




Digital platforms, International Law, Internet for trust, internet regulation


This article aims, firstly, to elucidate the factors that make the Brazilian experience of great value for the debate at the UNESCO-promoted conference; secondly, to present and analyze the main interventions made by Brazilian participants in the conference; and, thirdly, to provide insights into the quality and guidelines that can be drawn from these Brazilian interventions.


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Author Biographies

Gilberto Moreira Menezes Neto, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Master's student in Constitutional Order, Internationalization and Sustainability at the Federal University of Ceará with Academic Mobility in the Master's Program in Labor Law at the Universidad de la República de Uruguay. Bachelor of Laws from the Federal University of Ceará (2022). Postgraduate lato sensu in Constitutional Law. Lawyer and Professor working in the areas of Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Labor Law and Intellectual Property.

Emmanuel Teófilo Furtado Filho, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Ceará, accredited to the UFC Law Research and Graduate Program. Coordinator of the Legal Practice Center at the Federal University of Ceará. Doctor in Law from the University of Paris (France) and the Federal University of Ceará (2018). Master in Law from the University of Le Havre, France (2013). Bachelor of Laws from the Federal University of Ceará (2012)


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How to Cite

Moreira Menezes Neto, G., & Teófilo Furtado Filho, E. (2023). The Unesco Conference Internet for Trust: an analysis of Brazilian participations. Revista De Derecho, (28), e3470.



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