Policing in Uruguay: History, Modernization and Features





police, policing, police institution, security policies, security institutions


This chapter gives a general overview of policing in Uruguay with a particular focus on the Uruguayan National Police, the most important security actor in the country. To this end, we examine the history of the police force from its origins in 1829 to its recent modernization efforts in the 21st century. Also reviewed are its current institutional arrangements, strategies, capacities, and relations with the public. In this respect, the Uruguayan police is often considered an outlier in Latin America due to a series of institutional and operational reforms that were praised on multiple occasions by international organizations. However, along with recent modernization efforts came a drastic increase in crime and violence, which has called these efforts into question and left the direction of future changes in the air.


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How to Cite

Sanjurjo, D., & Trajtenberg, N. (2022). Policing in Uruguay: History, Modernization and Features. Revista De Derecho, (25), 174–202. https://doi.org/10.22235/rd25.2894



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