Sovereign immunity: from jurisdiction and execution application to States and their entities




immunity from jurisdiction and from execution, State, state entities, litigation and arbitration, judgments and awards


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the sovereign immunities –from jurisdiction and execution– possess by States and their entities in view of litigation, arbitration and execution of foreign judgments or arbitration awards. It will determine what are the normative and jurisprudential criteria, local and international, under which these immunities have been applied, aimed to answer the following questions: (i) when is it possible to sue a State before a court outside its domain; (ii) what assets of one State can be executed in other States; (iii) what differences exist when in the two previous situations the defendant is not the State, but a State entity or company. Regarding this last point, it will analyze what happens when it is intended to execute assets of these entities through awards or judgments issued against the State to which they belong.


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How to Cite

Durán, F. (2021). Sovereign immunity: from jurisdiction and execution application to States and their entities. Revista De Derecho, (24), 177–201.