Pesquisa, Etnografia, Ciências da SaúdeResumo
Este artigo pretende expor uma das estratégias mais utilizadas na pesquisa de saúde social, como a etnografia. Da mesma forma, demonstre as vantagens de seu uso para profissionais das Ciências da Saúde. Refere-se às formas de etnografia mais utilizadas na pesquisa em saúde com as formas de coletar informações características de cada uma. O artigo apresenta exemplos de estudos que aplicaram as diferentes formas desta estratégia na área da saúde.
Morse JM. Qualitative health research: Creating a new discipline. New York: Left Coast Press; 2016.
Denzin NK, Lincoln YS. Handbook of Qualitative Research (eds.) London: Sage Thousand Oaks; 2005.
Brewer JD. Ethnography. Philadelphia: Open University Press; 2000.
Taylor S. Researching the social: An introduction to ethnographic research. En: Taylor, Stephanie ed. Ethnographic Research: A Reader. London: SAGE Publications; 2002.
Richards L, Morse JM. Readme first for a user's guide to qualitative methods. London: SAGE Publications; 2012.
Amezcua M, Carricondo Guirao A. Investigación Cualitativa en España. Análisis de la producción bibliográfica en salud. Index Enferm. [Internet] [citadoNovember 29, 2016] Available in:
Leininger, M. Teaching transcultural nursing in undergraduate and graduate programs. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 2005; 6 (2): 10-26.
Goodson L, Vassar M. An overview of ethnography in healthcare and medical education research. Journal of educational evaluation for health professions, 2011; (8): 4.
O’Byrne P. Population health and social governance analyzing the mainstream incorporation of ethnography. Qualitative health research. 2012; (6):859-67.
Rashid M, Caine V, Goez H. The Encounters and Challenges of Ethnography as a Methodology in Health Research. International Journal Of Qualitative Methods [serial on the Internet]. (2015, Dic), [citado Nov 2, 2016]; 14(5): 1-16.
Taylor & Bogdan, Introducción a los métodos cualitativos de investigación. La búsqueda de significados.13a. Impresión, Barcelona: Paidós; 2010.
Knoblauch H. Focused ethnography. In Forum qualitative sozialforschung/forum: qualitative social research 2005; (6.3)
Erickson F. A history of qualitative inquiry in social and educational research. The Sage handbook of qualitative research London: SAGE Publications; 2011.
Roper JM, Shapira J. Ethnography in nursing research. London: SAGE Publications; 1999.
Borda NF, Yarnoz AZ. Perceptions of abuse in nursing home care relationships in Uruguay. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. 2015 Mar 1;26(2):164-70.
López-Entrambasaguas MO, Fernández-Sola C, Granero-Molina J. Perception of HIV prevention programs among Ayoreo sex workers in Bolivia. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. 2015 Nov;26(5):458-65.
Higginbottom G, Pillay JJ, Boadu NY. Guidance on performing focused ethnographies with an emphasis on healthcare research. The Qualitative Report. 2013;18(9):1-6.
Cruz EV. The use of focused ethnography in nursing research. Nurse Researcher. 2013 Mar 1;20(4):36.
Thomas J. Doing critical ethnography. London: SAGE Publications; 1993.
McCabe J & Holmes D. Nursing, sexual health and youth with disabilities: a critical ethnography. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2014; 70(1): 77-86.
Ellis C, Adams TE, Bochner AP. Autoethnography: an overview. Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung. 2011 Jan 1:273-90.
Chang H. Autoethnography as method. Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press; 2008.
Hassan STS, Jamaludin H. Aging parents’ caregiving and rehabilitating a brain-injured son: an autoethnography of a 10-year journey. Electronic Physician. 2014;6(4):927-931.
Smith DE. Institutional ethnography: A sociology for people. Oxford: Altamira; 2005.
Given LM, editor. The Sage encyclopedia of qualitative research methods. London: SAGE Publications; 2008.
Rudrum S. Institutional Ethnography Research in Global South Settings: The Role of Texts. International Journal Of Qualitative Methods [serie en Internet]. (2016, Ene), [citado Mar1, 2017]; 15(1).
McGibbon E, Peter E, Gallop R. An Institutional Ethnography of Nurses' Stress. Qualitative Health Research; 2010; 20 (10)1353 - 1378. Disponible en:
Pink S. Doing visual ethnography. London: SAGE Publications; 2013.
Heath C, Luff P, Sanchez Svensson M. Video and qualitative research: analysing medical practice and interaction. Medical education. 2007 Jan 1;41(1):109-16.
Collier A. Practice development using video-reflexive ethnography: promoting safe space (s) towards the end of life in hospital. International Practice Development Journal. 2016 May 1;6(1).
Pavis, S., & Cunningham-Burley, S. Male youth street culture: understanding the context of health-related behaviours. Health Education Research. 1999 14(5), 583-596.
McCormack, M. The intersection of youth masculinities, decreasing homophobia and class: An ethnography. The British journal of sociology. 2014 65(1), 130-149.
Morgan-Trimmer S, Wood F. Ethnographic methods for process evaluations of complex health behaviour interventions. Trials [serie en Internet]. (2016), [citado Mar 4, 2017]; (229).
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