
  • Lía Garnica
  • Martha Ballistreri
  • Dominga Vítola
  • Mónica Tría
  • Mónica Pippino
  • Hugo Meza
  • Mónica Ruiz Brok
  • Alma Bantle
  • Alejandra Ballerini
  • Lorena Guarda
  • María Cristina Vidal
  • Sonia Velasco




Nursing, Teaching, Hospital, Integration.


General objective: To understand the perspective on the relationship between healthcare and teaching activities among the teachers of the nurse discipline from the first three years of the bachelor’s degree in nursing of the National University of Santiago del Estero (Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero) and of those nurses from the Independence Hospital (Hospital Independencia) where then students learn the practical approach of the degree course. Progress report: An exploratory study with qualitative methodology. Information gathering techniques: Key informants and semi structured interviews with directed questions. Preliminary results: On the one hand, some nurses believe there is integration “in spite of staff and resources shortages. We communicate with each other and we try to work in the best way possible”. “There is respect between the institutions”. On the other hand, other nurses said that “there is no integration and that nurse teachers just impart theoretical knowledge without taking into consideration the reality of hospitals”. Nurse teachers said that “there is good predisposition from hospital nurses but that cannot be considered integration” “there should be an agreement”. The nurses admitted that “the good predisposition of students is very beneficial since they are constantly updating themselves and looking for information on the internet”. Nurse teachers believe that “it is beneficial the staff and authorities good predisposition because that makes our job easier”. As regards the staff from the hospital, they say that “the lack of experience of students hold up the work as well as the shortage of resources and staff”. The obstacles, say the nurse teachers, are “staff shortages and few teachers”. Expectations: The nurses said they hope to “achieve greater organization between teachers and the chiefs of the hospitals”, “we do not like to be treated as if we were still students”. Nurse teachers hope to “institutionalize joint work and research and to plan activities”. Conclusion: Investigation still in progress.


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How to Cite

Garnica, L., Ballistreri, M., Vítola, D., Tría, M., Pippino, M., Meza, H., … Velasco, S. (2016). ¿NURSING: IS THERE A RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HEALTHCARE AND TEACHING ACTIVITIES?. Enfermería: Cuidados Humanizados, 1(3), 161–167. https://doi.org/10.22235/ech.v1i3.868