
  • Erika Caballero Muñoz
  • Abdul Hernández Cortina



evidence-based nursing, scientific evidence, investigation, evidence-based practice.


Evidence-based nursing has built strong in health world, its application is based in the need of giving a safer and a higher quality nursing care, a needed challenge in this nowledge society in which nurses must possess competence of search, organization, interpretation, critical evaluation and information validation, application of practical evidence and effectiveness evaluation, effectiveness in making decisions with a critical and clinical trial. As well as competence for own knowledge and
learning management. This article conceptualizes evidence-based nursing and its elements, limitations and ways of facing them. Methodological steps are analyzed since the formulation of the clinical question to evaluation of evidence implementation.


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How to Cite

Caballero Muñoz, E., & Hernández Cortina, A. (2016). HOW TO USE EVIDENCE-BASED NURSING. Enfermería: Cuidados Humanizados, 1(2), 113–121.