
  • Paula Azor




Iodine, Radiological protection, Nursing care, Knowledge, Attitudes and practices in healthcare.


This study arose after performing a situational diagnosis in a secondary
healthcare institution in Montevideo, Uruguay, in which it was observed as a relevant problem the staff’s lack of knowledge of radio-protection measures and the lack of attention to the patient in active iodine treatment. The aim of this research was to assess the level of knowledge of the staff that participates daily in the attention to iodinetherapy patients. This study focuses specifically in identifying if these people knew the precautions they should take. 14 out of 36 staff members who work with iodinetherapy patients were interviewed (nursing graduates, nursing assistants, nutrition graduates and service staff). Half of the nursing graduates and 2 of the 5 service staff members stated they did not have knowledge of the risks that this therapy implies for the staff. Only these two service staff members received training before working with these patients. As a global result, four of the staff members had a high level of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Azor, P. (2015). LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE OF THE STAFF IN THE ATTENTION TO RADIOACTIVE IODINETHERAPY PATIENTS. Enfermería: Cuidados Humanizados, 3(2), 62–66. https://doi.org/10.22235/ech.v3i2.597