Analysis of Care Practices Produced by Primary Care Nurses within the Family
family nursing, professional-family relations, family health, nursing care, primary nursingAbstract
Objective: To analyze the care practices produced by nurses in primary care with families from the perspective of health promotion. Method: An exploratory descriptive study with a qualitative phenomenological approach was conducted in 15 Basic Health Units located in the municipality of Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil. Fifteen nurses with specialized clinical practice in family health were included. The semi-structured interview design included thirteen questions that address the performance of nurses in the primary health unit and their care practices directed at families. The interviews lasted an average of thirty minutes and took place in private environments, represented by nursing offices and meeting rooms of the selected health services. Content analysis was conducted manually, guided by Laurence Bardin’s framework in three specific stages, namely: pre-analysis, data processing, and interpretation. Results: Within the scope of the care practices carried out by primary care nurses with families, there was an appreciation of bonds as a crucial element for health promotion. The humanistic aspects involved in health education improve the active participation of families in self-care and promote satisfactory health outcomes. Conclusion: Nurses recognize in the practical scope of health promotion with families the welcoming, qualified listening, comprehensiveness, humanization, dialogue and human relationships as being indispensable to the production of educational health care and obtaining favorable health outcomes in primary care.
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