Attitudes Towards Death in Latin American Nursing Professionals: An Integrative Review
Attitude, Death, Nursing, Nursing Care, Nursing TheoryAbstract
Introduction: Death is part of the existing social taboos and can foster attitudes that are far from its explicit approach in relation to care. Objective: To analyze attitudes towards death in nursing professionals according to scientific publications in the Latin American context in the period 2018 to 2022. Methodology: An integrative literature review was conducted of Latin American scientific publications regarding attitudes towards death in the context of Nursing, using the following standardized terms: attitude, death, nursing and nursing care. Eight articles published in the defined period were included, in Spanish and Portuguese, in which the subject of the review was explicitly addressed. The information in the articles was analyzed using the concepts of the theory of transitions as a reference. Results: Both quantitative (50 %) and qualitative (50 %) designs were found, all of them elaborated in the hospital setting. The main results show the predominance of indifference to death in the context of care. In relation to the theory of transitions, most of the articles address the conditions under which these occur, in addition to the concepts of nursing therapeutics and response patterns. Conclusions: The production of research on the attitude towards death in nursing professionals is scarce in Latin America. Experiences of close losses, training and institutional support are the basis for contributing to a better attitude towards death.
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