Perception and satisfaction of Nursing students with virtual education in times of the COVID-19
nursing students, nursing education, coronavirus infections, perceptionAbstract
Objective: to analyze the perception and satisfaction with education in virtual modality of Nursing Bachelor’s degree students from a public higher education institution in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina during the second semester of 2021. Methods: Analytical, cross-sectional, and quantitative study. The sample consisted of 121 students, selected by non-probabilistic sampling, who answered an instrument made up of 24 questions. Results: The respondents were mostly female (84.30 %), with a mean age of 29.2 years (SD: 8), in their third year (55.37 %) and with children (44.63 %). Regarding the perception of the virtual modality, it was found that the classes were mostly considered as a motivating factor for learning (66.94 %), students were able to maintain their attention between 75-99 % of the time during the class (38.84 %), a low number were able to make all consultations with the teacher (16.52 %) and most of them felt nervousness before the remote evaluation at the same level as their face-to-face counterpart (52.89 %). Overall satisfaction with the modality was rated with an average of 6.9 out of 10 and 75.20 % of respondents would like to continue with virtual classes. Conclusions: Satisfaction was characterized as average. The variables that were associated with greater satisfaction with distance education are having children, older age, the belief that they would have learned more with face-to-face classes, the time they perceive they can maintain their attention in virtual classes, the low feeling of nervousness before the virtual evaluation, and the absence of difficulties in connecting to synchronous classes.
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