Obstetric violence in the abortion process
obstetric violence, abortion, comprehensive health care, women’s health, nursingAbstract
Objective: To analyze health care practices in the abortion process typified as obstetric violence. Methodology: Qualitative and descriptive study, conducted in a public hospital in Brazil with 15 health professionals of medium and higher education. The data were collected in person, through a semi-structured interview script. The profile was analyzed by simple descriptive statistics and the questions opened by the thematic content technique proposed by Bardin. Results: It was evidenced that health professionals had insufficient knowledge about obstetric violence at the time they restricted it to childbirth or abortion, physical/verbal typing and identified only doctors and nurses as the main perpetrators. The practices that denote obstetric violence are related to the allocation of women in the process of abortion in the same environment as pregnant women and puerperal women and when issuing value judgments at the time of care. Conclusion: There is a need for permanent education so that the professionals can assist in a humanized and qualified way.
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