Diagnosis or stigma? Problematizing disease from a duoethnographic approach
disease, stigma, collaborative autoethnography, HPV and fatnessAbstract
Objective: The purpose of this paper is to talk about the sociocultural constructions around the disease. The main interest is to contribute to dismantle from our experiences as researchers and diagnosed women, the stigma that permeates the daily lives of people like us: obese or with HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). Methodology: Through the methodology known as duoethnography, in which two individuals narrate shared experiences to study in detail a sociocultural phenomenon, we present a series of thoughts that question the place in which we are placed when we are valuated as sick. Results: We found, from our simultaneous reflections, three epiphanies that relate first to biomedical stigma, then to personal stigma and then to sociocultural stigma. A fourth epiphany expounds joint learning considerations during the authors' academic shared experience. Conclusion: We are interested, above all, in leaving an invitation to critically consider stigma, we are concerned with talking about care and pointing out discriminatory practices rather than denying our diagnoses.
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