Types of care for people with mental health disorder from the perspective of family members





standard of care, family, caregivers, mental health assistance


Objective: To identify the types of daily care for people with mental health disorder from the perspective of family members. Method: This is an exploratory and descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out using semi-structured interviews with fifteen family members of people with mental health disorder followed up in a specialized mental health service in a city in the Northeast of Brazil. The data was organized and analyzed according to the thematic content analysis technique and discussed based on the literature. Results: The profile of the family members interviewed was characterized by a majority of female gender, black race, residing in the same household as the person with mental health disorder, with the mother being the main caregiver and with support from the other family members in the care. The main types of care were identified as: 1) vigilant care; 2) parental care; 3) overprotective care; 4) permissive care. Conclusion: The family cares for the person with mental health disorders according to their possibilities, however, some factors such as lack of knowledge, stigmas and prejudices can negatively interfere in the psychosocial rehabilitation and autonomy of the person. It is important that the health team provides guidance and support for family members, in order to promote integral care.


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How to Cite

Lisbôa, L. N. T., & Silva, R. S. da. (2023). Types of care for people with mental health disorder from the perspective of family members. Enfermería: Cuidados Humanizados, 12(1), e3018. https://doi.org/10.22235/ech.v12i1.3018