The Scope of Artistic and Poetic Dispositifs in Health and Mental Health Research




qualitative research, art, health, mental health, duo-ethnography


Introduction: A common theme that has characterized the evolution of qualitative methodologies in recent decades is a “transdisciplinary turn” in the form of the incorporation of techniques derived from the arts. Objective: To carry out a critical analysis of this trend in the field of health and mental health, through the description and explanation of the scope of two dispositifs, the artistic and the poetic. Method: The work is developed from duo-ethnography, understood as a dialogic process that generates new meanings to social phenomena and epistemological constructs. Results: The described dispositifs have a significant impact on the relationship of artistic expression with the foundations of qualitative research. Conclusions: The arts have pushed qualitative research to move beyond logocentrism in representational concerns. As a consequence, the use of art is no longer thought of as a tool, but as an experience of construction of subjectivity that allows an authentic experience of construction of reality with the active and critical involvement of the researcher in their projects.


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How to Cite

Marxen, E., & González Gutiérrez, L. F. (2022). The Scope of Artistic and Poetic Dispositifs in Health and Mental Health Research. Enfermería: Cuidados Humanizados, 11(2), e2939.



Dossier: Qualitative methods for social transformation