



Transexuality, Power, Philosophy, Public Health, Nursing Care


The meaning of the postulates of Giorgio Agamben invites to discover a new sociological ontology that goes beyond the traditional definition of sovereign. Certainly, from the semantic conceptualizations of the figure of life and its relationship with the sovereign power in the current (bio-tanato) political society of normalization, we can analyze the different realities that surround us. Therefore, this study analyzes the conditions of enunciation and the existence/resistance of the person who self-identifies within the transgender spectrum, according to the thanatopolitics theory. The analogy made between the transsexual and the figure of the homo sacer, can clearly explain the reality experienced by this population. Life is included in the social and legal order only by their own exclusion, i.e. from its absolute invisibility, slaughter and extermination. Following the thanatopolitic postulates we could examine the fundamental space of abandonment, exile and violence present in all the post-colonial stories - mainly of those who are dissidents and unintelligible identities – it is necessary to understand the conditions under which it has gestated the current health policy.


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How to Cite

Caravaca Morera, J. A. (2019). ABOUT HOMO SACER, BARE LIVES AND ABANDONMENT: THE CASE OF TRANSSEXUALITY IN THANATOPOLITICS . Enfermería: Cuidados Humanizados, 8(2), 1–32. https://doi.org/10.22235/ech.v8i2.1843