Nursing Care, Reproductive Health, Human Care, EthnographyAbstract
The objective of the study was to discover the meanings of cultural nursing care for a group of nurses of the Maternal and Child Clinical Unit of a public hospital of Venezuela. Its methodological proposal is of a qualitative nature under the phenomenological approach. Focused ethnography and the ethnoendermal method proposed by Leininger were chosen, using the ethnographic analysis of Spradley for the processing of the data. The participants were six nurses who work in the maternal clinical unit of Dr. Placido Daniel Rodríguez Central Hospital in San Felipe, Venezuela. The expressions and experiences provided by them allowed to describe the study object through in-depth interviews. Based on the analysis of the data, two domains emerged from this process: "The Practice of Cultural Nursing is the Way of Making Care an Art”, as well as, "Knowing the Culture is the Way to Provide Congruent Human Care”. These preliminary contributions reveal nursing actions that help to promote the concept, as well as tools that allow nurses to apply culturally appropriate care to pregnant and puerperal women and newborns in this context. It is concluded that the nurse, in the provision of care process, combines her knowledge with the art of caring, respecting the beliefs and values of the the users admitted to this public hospital.
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