


Middle-aged women, although they may have concluded with the biological reproductive cycle, maintain an important social role that is expressed through their active participation in community life, without abandoning the responsibilities assumed in the home and family, which it contributes to the exacerbation of climacteric symptoms in intensity and frequency, in correspondence with social determinants because of their sex. On the other hand, the living conditions of women have undergone significant changes in the last decades: the progressive increase of opportunities for labor insertion, birth control, reduction of fertility, improvement in the effectiveness of preventive measures, increase in life expectancy, reduction of gender barriers, changes in social roles, all of which must be considered in their health care. Therefore it is necessary to focus the care from a philosophical perceptive that allows us to perform it in an integral way, without setting aside emotional, spiritual and psychosocial aspects. The primary care service is essential to provide a source of care that has continuity, coordination, and that covers in a global way the health needs of people. Whatever the type of transition, it implies from the nursing staff the need to know the beliefs and practices in each one of the transitional situations of the person in order to offer a culturally congruent care. This implies knowing how humans adapt to the transition, and how the environment affects that adaptation. This importance derives from the fact that nursing seeks to maximize the strengths and potentials of people


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How to Cite

Pereira, M. del C., & Cárdenas, M. H. (2019). PHILOSOPHICAL VIEW OF HUMAN CARE IN THE WOMAN IN THE CLIMACTERIC STAGE. Enfermería: Cuidados Humanizados, 8(1), 34–56.