



Nursing, Poetry, Nursing Process, Holistic Nursing, Nursing Management, Nursing Methodology Research


The aim of this study is to develop a tool to think about emotions and feelings, in order to facilitate their management in nursing students in their clinical practices. The method used has been based on the orientations of Vigotsky and Heller to facilitate the classification and analysis of emotions and feelings. Likewise, a selection of poems derived from clinical experiences was used as a basis for the identification and analysis of emotions and feelings. Beyond the awareness of future professionals of the importance of focusing care practices on the patient, the great challenge is to provide nurses with the cognitive capacity and emotional skills necessary to manage the flood of complex and intense feelings that emerge during the application of the nursing process, in order to prepare them for the flow of emotions arising from their work and to decrease the risk of burnout. In conclusion, poems inspired by clinical experiences constitute a relevant tool to facilitate emotional work and feelings generated during clinical practices. The poetry of care contributes to the understanding and emotional regulation and it is a way of channeling the feelings that emerge in the students during their clinical practices.


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How to Cite

Siles-González, J. (2017). POETRY AND CARE: AN INSTRUMENT TO MANAGE EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS IN NURSING. Enfermería: Cuidados Humanizados, 6(2), 32–38. https://doi.org/10.22235/ech.v6i2.1463