nursing, nursing care, informatics, technology, medical informatics, distance counselingAbstract
Tele-Nursing is nursing care at a distance, which is done using technological tools. The professionals who use Tele-Nursing plan, intervene and evaluate the results of nursing care using information and communication technologies. The objective of this study was to determine the knowledge, practice and perception of nurses working in a Class A public hospital in Costa Rica, regarding Tele-Nursing as a strategy of continuity of care. A cross-sectional exploratory quantitative research was carried out using a pre-validated interview questionnaire with an internal consistency of 0.96, consisting of 38 open and closed questions. The population was 251 nursing professionals working within this health institution and the selected sample was 104. The data obtained was processed and analyzed using the statistical package SPSS version 22 and the Additive Scale. The majority of the participants were between 26 and 45 years old and lived within the Greater Metropolitan Area. A minority knew the term Tele-Nursing prior to the questionnaire and most had implemented technology-related practices; therefore most of the people interviewed had a very favorable perspective on the subject. This article is the first of its kind at the Costa Rican level; it attempts to address a topic with many unknowns but with multiple benefits for national and global health. At the same time, it seeks to generate a dialogue with the international community on new ways of nursing care by taking advantage of the advances of globalization and demonstrating that nursing is a profession capable of modernizing and breaking geographical and temporal barriers.Downloads
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