maternal-child nursing, nursing care, family relations, newborn, health planning guidelinesAbstract
The purpose of this research is to identify the nursing team’s contributions to the construction of family bonding with the newborn for the development of a new care guideline. It is a descriptive qualitative study, based in the Problem-based Methodology with the participation of 20 nursing professionals who belonged to the Woman and Newborn Health-care Unit. Data collection, by means of Education Practice Workshops, was carried out between October and November 2012. Three thematic categories emerged from the analysis and interpretation of the qualitative data obtained in the workshops: a) Nursing care contributions to the construction of the family bonding with the neonate; b) Nursing care limitations for the construction of the family bonding with the neonate; c) Nursing care guidelines for the construction of the family bonding with the neonate. It was evidenced that the reflection held in the practice workshops enabled the team participation in the development of guidelines in order to build the family bonding with the neonate. However, nursing care needs to integrate with the other sectors to strengthen the network building of institutional humanized care.Downloads
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