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Investigación, Etnografía, Ciencias de la SaludResumen
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo exponer una de las estrategias más utilizadas en la investigación social-sanitaria, como lo es la Etnografía. Asimismo, demostrar las ventajas de su utilización a los profesionales de las Ciencias de la Salud. Se hace referencia a las formas de Etnografía más empleadas en investigaciones sanitarias con las formas de recolección de información características de cada una. El artículo presenta ejemplos de estudios que aplicaron las diferentes formas de esta estrategia en el área de la salud.
Morse JM. Qualitative health research: Creating a new discipline. New York: Left Coast Press; 2016.
Denzin NK, Lincoln YS. Handbook of Qualitative Research (eds.) London: Sage Thousand Oaks; 2005.
Brewer JD. Ethnography. Philadelphia: Open University Press; 2000.
Taylor S. Researching the social: An introduction to ethnographic research. En: Taylor, Stephanie ed. Ethnographic Research: A Reader. London: SAGE Publications; 2002.
Richards L, Morse JM. Readme first for a user's guide to qualitative methods. London: SAGE Publications; 2012.
Amezcua M, Carricondo Guirao A. Investigación Cualitativa en España. Análisis de la producción bibliográfica en salud. Index Enferm. [Internet] [citadoNovember 29, 2016] Available in:
Leininger, M. Teaching transcultural nursing in undergraduate and graduate programs. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 2005; 6 (2): 10-26.
Goodson L, Vassar M. An overview of ethnography in healthcare and medical education research. Journal of educational evaluation for health professions, 2011; (8): 4.
O’Byrne P. Population health and social governance analyzing the mainstream incorporation of ethnography. Qualitative health research. 2012; (6):859-67.
Rashid M, Caine V, Goez H. The Encounters and Challenges of Ethnography as a Methodology in Health Research. International Journal Of Qualitative Methods [serial on the Internet]. (2015, Dic), [citado Nov 2, 2016]; 14(5): 1-16.
Taylor & Bogdan, Introducción a los métodos cualitativos de investigación. La búsqueda de significados.13a. Impresión, Barcelona: Paidós; 2010.
Knoblauch H. Focused ethnography. In Forum qualitative sozialforschung/forum: qualitative social research 2005; (6.3)
Erickson F. A history of qualitative inquiry in social and educational research. The Sage handbook of qualitative research London: SAGE Publications; 2011.
Roper JM, Shapira J. Ethnography in nursing research. London: SAGE Publications; 1999.
Borda NF, Yarnoz AZ. Perceptions of abuse in nursing home care relationships in Uruguay. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. 2015 Mar 1;26(2):164-70.
López-Entrambasaguas MO, Fernández-Sola C, Granero-Molina J. Perception of HIV prevention programs among Ayoreo sex workers in Bolivia. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. 2015 Nov;26(5):458-65.
Higginbottom G, Pillay JJ, Boadu NY. Guidance on performing focused ethnographies with an emphasis on healthcare research. The Qualitative Report. 2013;18(9):1-6.
Cruz EV. The use of focused ethnography in nursing research. Nurse Researcher. 2013 Mar 1;20(4):36.
Thomas J. Doing critical ethnography. London: SAGE Publications; 1993.
McCabe J & Holmes D. Nursing, sexual health and youth with disabilities: a critical ethnography. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2014; 70(1): 77-86.
Ellis C, Adams TE, Bochner AP. Autoethnography: an overview. Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung. 2011 Jan 1:273-90.
Chang H. Autoethnography as method. Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press; 2008.
Hassan STS, Jamaludin H. Aging parents’ caregiving and rehabilitating a brain-injured son: an autoethnography of a 10-year journey. Electronic Physician. 2014;6(4):927-931.
Smith DE. Institutional ethnography: A sociology for people. Oxford: Altamira; 2005.
Given LM, editor. The Sage encyclopedia of qualitative research methods. London: SAGE Publications; 2008.
Rudrum S. Institutional Ethnography Research in Global South Settings: The Role of Texts. International Journal Of Qualitative Methods [serie en Internet]. (2016, Ene), [citado Mar1, 2017]; 15(1).
McGibbon E, Peter E, Gallop R. An Institutional Ethnography of Nurses' Stress. Qualitative Health Research; 2010; 20 (10)1353 - 1378. Disponible en:
Pink S. Doing visual ethnography. London: SAGE Publications; 2013.
Heath C, Luff P, Sanchez Svensson M. Video and qualitative research: analysing medical practice and interaction. Medical education. 2007 Jan 1;41(1):109-16.
Collier A. Practice development using video-reflexive ethnography: promoting safe space (s) towards the end of life in hospital. International Practice Development Journal. 2016 May 1;6(1).
Pavis, S., & Cunningham-Burley, S. Male youth street culture: understanding the context of health-related behaviours. Health Education Research. 1999 14(5), 583-596.
McCormack, M. The intersection of youth masculinities, decreasing homophobia and class: An ethnography. The British journal of sociology. 2014 65(1), 130-149.
Morgan-Trimmer S, Wood F. Ethnographic methods for process evaluations of complex health behaviour interventions. Trials [serie en Internet]. (2016), [citado Mar 4, 2017]; (229).
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