Review process

The manuscript review process consists of two phases. The first phase is conducted by the editorial team within a maximum period of 3 months, with articles evaluated in the order they are received. This phase involves reviewing formal aspects (format, bibliographic references, plagiarism detection) and ensuring the article aligns with the journal's focus and scope criteria. During this phase, the manuscript may be rejected, modifications may be requested, or it may be sent directly for external review. The corresponding author will be notified of the outcome of this evaluation through the journal's digital platform.

In the second phase, the manuscripts undergo a peer review process, maintaining the anonymity of both authors and reviewers, known as a double-blind system. To preserve the anonymity of authors and reviewers, extreme care is taken. At least two reviewers, who are experts in the relevant field, are selected from national or international experts. Reviewers may accept, request modifications, or reject the article. This process typically takes an average of 6 months, although the time may vary depending on the nature of the feedback or the need for consultations with other experts.

Ciencias Psicológicas uses the following article evaluation form. Manuscripts can receive one of the following ratings: recommended for publication, recommended for publication with modifications, or not recommended for publication. In all cases, reasons for the rating are required. The Editorial Board may consult additional reviewers if the conclusions are conflicting or if there are methodological concerns.

The external evaluation is reviewed by the scientific editor and sent to the authors for consideration through the journal's online platform. Authors have one month to submit a revised version of the article. This version is reviewed by the scientific editor and/or the external reviewers if requested in their evaluation. The scientific editor is responsible for the final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of the articles. This decision is final.

Once the final version of the manuscript is accepted, the authors are asked to provide an English translation. The translation must be done by an expert translator to ensure the quality of the work.

The journal's technical team handles the editing and layout of the article and, if necessary, communicates with the authors for any adjustments prior to publication.

The rejection rate for articles in Ciencias Psicológicas for 2023 was 95%.