Feelings and Emotions Present in the Experiences of Pregnant Women and Donors with Chagas Disease in Chile





Chagas disease, feelings, qualitative research, pregnant women and donors


Objective: This article describes the feelings related to the experience of Chagas disease in the Chilean regions of Tarapacá, Atacama and Metropolitan. The study focused on feelings and emotions as subjective experiences of pregnant women and blood donors in relation to the Chagas health problem, aspects that underlie their interaction with the social and health system. Method: A qualitative methodology was employed and techniques such as in-depth interview, semi-structured interview and focus groups were used. A total of 176 nationals and migrants participated. Results: The relevance of fear and guilt, mainly experienced by women, was observed. Lack of knowledge and misinformation in the process of diagnosis and treatment and the meanings attributed to the disease are determinants of care. Conclusions: For the understanding of health processes and improvements in the health system, feelings and emotions around this problematic must be known. Considering subjectivities allows humanizing the strategies for approaching Chagas disease.


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How to Cite

Garrido Cabezas, N., & Avaria, A. (2022). Feelings and Emotions Present in the Experiences of Pregnant Women and Donors with Chagas Disease in Chile. Enfermería: Cuidados Humanizados, 11(2), e2901. https://doi.org/10.22235/ech.v11i2.2901



Dossier: Qualitative methods for social transformation