


Nursing Model, Nursing Theory, Palliative Care


Care is the foundation of the Nursing Science and can be conceptualized as all actions that help preserve and maintain life. It originates in the need for human survival in adverse circumstances, and while it is inherent to the species, it has been differentiated by gender. Family care, food, clothing and affection needs have been historically linked to women; in the case of men, care was related to acts requiring physical strength and achieving food through hunting and fishing work. Modern Nursing took since its origins care practice as the basis of their discipline, being approached from various aspects, in which it is included; care, research, teaching and management. Care is a specific part of the culture, values ​​and beliefs of people, placing concern for others as the pillar of human existence. Caring is a way of living and of being in relationship with others, to habit in the world, which is essential for any adaptation.From the perspective of Nursing in Palliative Care, there are various models of approaches to a holistic intervention, which combine physical, social, psychological and spiritual aspects that bring care to the family and society. The objective of this article is to identify the use and application of nursing models and theories in palliative care.


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How to Cite

Figueredo-Borda, N., Ramírez-Pereira, M., Nurczyk, S., & Diaz-Videla, V. (2019). NURSING MODELS AND THEORIES: SUPPORT FOR PALLIATIVE CARE. Enfermería: Cuidados Humanizados, 8(2), 33–56.