Welcome to the Journals Portal of the Universidad Católica del Uruguay (UCU). This virtual space manages and disseminates on line the academic publications edited by the university. The objective is contribute to the diffusion, visibility, access and preservation of academic production and the open science. Below you can find the list of journals in alphabetical order.


  • Ciencias Psicológicas

    Continuous publication, scientific and academic, of semiannual frequency, indexed and refereed. Its objective is to be a means of communicating results of research work in the field of Psychology and related sciences, including Neurosciences. As well as disseminating review and reflection studies on problems that arise from the social and academic environment.

  • Dixit

    Communication academic journal, refereed and indexed, published by the Universidad Católica del Uruguay. Dixit is indexed in ESCI (Web of Science) and Catálogo Latindex 2.0; distributed in SciELO, Dialnet, EBSCO, MIAR, HAPI and CLASE databases, and registered in DOAJ, Timbó, ROAD and LatinREV. The journal is a member of AURA and the Red de Investigadores en Diseño (Universidad de Palermo), and is on the social network Twitter.

  • Enfermería: Cuidados Humanizados

    Semi-annual and refereed academic publication, which includes scientific articles and current information on research, whose objective is to contribute to the development of the discipline by promoting an environment of communication for Nursing and Health Sciences in Uruguay and the region. 

  • Páginas de Educación

    Continuous publication academic journal, indexed and refereed. Through research articles, as well as case studies on Education and related disciplines, it seeks to contribute to the development of knowledge and its free dissemination for the professionalization and enrichment of the discipline. It is indexed in ESCI, Latindex and Qualis CAPES; distributed in Scielo, Dialnet and EBSCO databases; and registered in DOAJ, LatinREV and Timbó.

  • Revista de Derecho

    Revista de Derecho is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes original and unpublished articles on public and private law and related legal disciplines, such as philosophy of law, with a focus on Uruguayan and Ibero-American law.  The journal is indexed in Latindex; distributed in the following databases: Scielo, EBSCO and Dialnet; and registered in Timbó and LatinRev. It is also a member of AURA and is on the social network X.
  • Prisma (Histórica)

    Prisma es una revista semestral de ciencias humanas editada por la Universidad Católica del Uruguay. Su objetivo es difundir materiales originales, producidos tanto por miembros de la Universidad Católica como por contribuyentes externos, en las siguientes áreas: ciencias sociales, ciencias de la comunicaci´ón, psicología, comunicaci´ón, historia, filosofía y economía. A trav´es de sus páginas, Prisma aspira a contribuir al intercambio de ideas y al desarrollo de producción académica en el mundo de habla hispana y portuguesa.